Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You should see the other guy...

In general, I bruise easily. I've woken up with a bruise on my arm or leg. And not remembering running headlong into something, know that I must have hit something somewhere along the way.

On Monday I went to the doctor, long and short of it, I needed to get blood drawn. I go in there and the lady is basically mute. She points at a chair, I go to sit in it. Her companion that's working at the computer in this cramped room says "no, put your stuff there. sit there" and points at another chair. Ok, obviously that mumble she did meant all that...obviously. I sit down, she puts the stretchy band around the top of my arm and says "prick" as she drives the needle into me. As she takes 4 (overkill, no?) tubes of blood, she is NOT gentle when she is transferring the tubes.

My elbow joint swelled up that night. Couldn't straighten my arm out. Yesterday my bruise looked like that up there. You can see the red mark where the needle was...and then you can see the abuse my poor arm took. I'm not a big fan of needles, but I deal. I can't imagine this lady being helpful to anyone with a needle phobia. Maybe they should train her on her bedside manner...

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