Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rules of the Road

I will admit that I have a bit of road rage. I'm not sure who is giving out driver's license to the stupid, the blind and the clueless but I would like to have a discussion with them. If I were in charge of handing out licenses, these are the rules you'd have to pass:

1. Yes, please slow down when you're about to make a turn. But ACCELERATE THROUGH THE TURN. Trust me, you will not flip your car, you will not die. If a NASCAR driver can do it @ 100mph, you can certainly make the turn @ 10mph instead of 2mph.

2. Left lane = fast lane. Left lane = passing lane. It is NOT for you to cruise in. You pass those people who are going slow on the right, and then you mosey on over in front of them. Allowing those who wish to go faster than you, to pass you.

3. If you cut someone off (it happens to the best of us) in order to pass the jackass in front of you going 5 miles under the speed limit, please accelerate quickly to the appropriate passing speed. Do not get over and then proceed to go the same speed as the car that you were trying to pass.

4. When merging, and there is a lane, please utilize that to accelerate to close to the speed limit. People will be more likely to let you in if you're going a speed close to what they're travelling. They will NOT let you in if you're at a complete stop at the end of the lane, with your turn signal on and your head turned backwards (exorcist style). Trust me.

5. If you're sitting in traffic, do NOT try to weave through the cars. You're really not getting there any faster, and the likelihood of you causing an accident is much greater. I'm not trying to sit in more traffic because you were an impatient douche who couldn't wait your turn.

6. When there is a situation where another lane is merging in (i.e. you're sitting in traffic because of a lane closure and people in the "closed" lane need to get in your lane), it's every other car.  Don't be a jerk and not let people in. Don't be a jerk and try to slip in. It just causes more problems, and maybe even an accident.

7. ALWAYS check your blind spot. There are other cars on the road. They do travel in lanes next to you. This is not your highway to do what you please.

8. Pay attention to the signs posted. If it says the lane ends in so many feet, get over. I (as most people) will NOT let you over if you've had 2 miles to merge and then at the last second realize your lane is ending and your about to meet a concrete barrier. Pay attention.

Those are really just ones that I can think of off the top of my head. Please let me know in the comments section if you think I've missed anything.

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